Horticultural speaker garden Design & CONSULTANCY
Over 35 years experience
Over 35 years experience
Roger Hirons is The Plant Doctor - trained at Pershore College and with a wealth of plant knowledge he is in demand as a speaker . A published author, Roger shares his enthusiasm for the world of plants to groups all over the south of England.. 30 different talks available & new ones being developed all the time so you are bound to find a new topic to entertain your group
Roger has lectured to garden designers & believes a garden design must be right for the user and can advise on a novel approach to bring your vision to life in a way that will work for YOU, your bugdet AND be maintainable going forward.
The Plant Doctor can visit you to help solve your garden and plant problems as well as assist with speciallist techniques such as pruning wisteria & espalier training (for clients local to south east Dorset )
Roger's interest in plants started at a young age & led to a career in the plant industry after training at Pershore College of Horticulture. He has worked in plant nurseries, run garden centres & his own garden design & landscaping business. As a speaker he talks on radio, to U3A, garden clubs, WI and other groups over 8 counties. Roger published his first book Hedges & Living Boundaries in 2022. His passion for plants and ecology is clear.
We take talk bookings up to 3 years in advance, to get a list of talks or find out more about design and consulting services just drop us a line.
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The Plant Doctor